Important Bus Information:
Practice Bus
Once the bus leaves RHS or PRRA, please remain seated with your seat belt on. This is worth repeating...If you are not going to ride the bus on a particular day (because you are ill, on a school field trip, taking other transportation to practice etc...) you must let another teammate know so your teammate can tell the bus chaperone. In addition...if you ride the bus TO PRRA, you must ride the bus HOME from PRRA. Chaperones are taking attendance and counting heads on every leg of the trip. We need to come back to Ridgewood with the same amount of rowers we drove down with. (Any exceptions to this must be cleared, in advance, by the parent. |
Regatta Bus
Once the bus leaves RHS or PRRA, please remain seated with your seat belt on. This is worth repeating...If you are not going to ride the bus on a particular day (because you are ill, on a school field trip, taking other transportation to practice etc...) you must let another teammate know so your teammate can tell the bus chaperone. Please make sure you clean up after yourself. |